Reel Breakdown
Maya, Katana, Houdini, Nuke used on the following productions:
- Houdini rig used for beam, lightning, smoke and sparks.
- Maya particles used for debris motion. Final geometry was attached at render time.
- Maya used for background fire and portal elements.
- Maya particle and volumes for multiple breath shots.
- Flowline cache offset for splash shot.
- Additional work on a show with a pending release date.
- Wrote internal workflow documentation for Houdini rigs and Katana in the production pipeline.
- Worked directly with Senior Artists to test Houdini fire, interaction and rigid body rigs.
Rigid Body Destruction:
- Houdini project with multiple fracture types including bools and Voronoi.
- Intricate custom Glue and Constraint system to simulate material failure strength patterns.
- Multiple RBD simulations where completed simulation data fed into additional simulations.
- Reference used as a blueprint for the final look.
Procedural Geometry:
- Houdini procedural workflow.
- Art directed noise pattern used for both placement and height.
- Most point attributes transferred to lines and final geo placed on lines.
- Bark and pebble systems utilized lookup curves for random variation in scale and rotation.
- Reference used as a blueprint for the final look.
Crowd System:
- Custom Houdini setup that used a particle system to define movement direction and velocity.
- Geometry assigned to point ID procedurally.
- Geometry animation of a single agent with the resulting movement data fed into CHOPS, and assigned a custom output per agent based on particle ID velocity.